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79% z Vás doporučuje |
21% z Vás nedoporučuje |
(celkem hlasů: 153) |
Essentials of Financial Analysis
Autor: | George T. Friedlob a kol. |
Popis nebo abstrakt: | An easy-to-use guide to financial analysis
Essentials of Financial Analysis shows how to analyze a company as a prospective investment. This one-stop resource includes a basic introduction to accounting; shows how to use ratio analysis to evaluate a company's profit, liquidity, and solvency; and provides actual financial statements of a variety of companies as illustrations. Back Cover Copy Processes and methods of financial statement analysis Framework for evaluating a company’s "quality of earnings" Identifies potential problem areas that need to be investigated Analytical tools and techniques to meet the objectives of different user groups Essentials of Financial Analysis Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in financial analysis. "Essentials of Financial Analysis is a concise guide with the necessary resource base for improved client selection by any professional whose practice is outside the field of financial analysis. I wish that Essentials of Financial Analysis had been available to me twenty-seven years ago when I formed an engineering firm. Its use is highly recommended." –A. Ray Howland, PE, President, The Howland Company, Inc. "Drs. Friedlob and Schleifer have provided an outstanding guide to analyzing financial statements. Their insights and analysis techniques will be useful to the financial community. They have provided analysts with a road map to financial enlightenment." –E. Lewis Bryan, DBA, CPA, Visiting Professor of Accounting Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts |
Vydání: | 1. |
Datum vydání: | 11/2002 |
Počet stran: | 288 |
Orientační cena: | zde |
ISBN: | 04-7122-830-3 |
Vydavatel: | Wiley |
Více informací: | www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0471228303 |
75% z Vás doporučuje |
25% z Vás nedoporučuje |
(celkem hlasů: 151) |
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Autor: | Frank K. Reilly, Keith C. Brown |
Popis nebo abstrakt: | The purpose of this book is to help you learn how to manage your money to derive the maximum benefit from what you earn. Mixing investment instruments and capital markets with the theoretical detail on evaluating investments and opportunities to satisfy risk-return objectives along with how investment practice and theory is influenced by globalization leaves readers with the mindset on investments to serve them well. The material is intended to be rigorous and empirical yet not overly quantitative. We continue with unparalleled international coverage, newly rewritten and reorganized derivatives material to be more intuitive and clearer, three additional chapters on derivatives pricing for those who want more detail, rewritten material on multifactor models of risk and return, and new CFA problems for more practice on computations concerning investment decisions. To manage money and investments, one needs to learn about investment alternatives and develop a way of analyzing and thinking about investments that will be of benefit and allow a foundation as new tools and investment opportunities become available. Reilly/Brown provide the best foundation, used extensively by professionals, organizations, and schools across the country. A great source for those with both a theoretical and practical need for investment expertise. |
Vydání: | 7. |
Datum vydání: | 10/2002 |
Počet stran: | 1248 |
Orientační cena: | zde |
ISBN: | 03-2417-173-0 |
Vydavatel: | South-Western College Publications |
Více informací: | www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0324171730 |
77% z Vás doporučuje |
23% z Vás nedoporučuje |
(celkem hlasů: 151) |
The Art of Managing People
Autor: | Tony Alessandra |
Popis nebo abstrakt: | When a manager establishes a friendly yet productive working atmosphere, the benefits to the whole organization are substantial. The Art of Managing People provides practical strategies, guidelines and techniques for
* Developing the interpersonal skills necessary to improve relations with employees * Understanding the differences between people, and behaving accordingly * Assessing, and then improving, current working situations * Creating trust between managers and employees. Person-to-person skills are the key to developing an effective team of satisfied, energetic workers. Letting your workers express their own personalities and maximize their potentials will * Reduce stress within the work force, * Create a positive spirit throughout the company, and * Increase the organization's productivity and profitability. |
Vydání: | 1. |
Datum vydání: | |
Počet stran: | 288 |
Orientační cena: | zde |
ISBN: | 06-7162-825-9 |
Vydavatel: | Free Press |
Více informací: | www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0671628259 |
Co by Vás ješte tak asi mohlo zajímat?
Co by Vás ješte tak asi mohlo zajímat?
leadership - management | strategie - rozhodovací procesy | organizace - změna - kultůra | komunikace - marketing |
přístupy & metody A-Z | systémy & teorie A-Z | modely & struktůry A-Z | metody & způsoby A-Z |
oceňování - rozhodování | strategie - tvorba hodnot | treasury - cash flow | finance - řízení rizik |
metody & ukazatele A-Z | modely & způsoby A-Z | přístupy & systémy A-Z | metody & teorie A-Z |
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